today, i'm going to write on something regarding personality.. it is something quite interesting that i would like to share to u.. well, today i would like to write on the Big Five personality theory...also known as the O.C.E.A.N... let's have a look at each of the dimensions.
1) Extraversion
.In the big 5 theory of personality, extraversion is one of the five core traits believed to make up human personality. Extraversion is characterized by sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and excitability.
Introverts, on the other hand, are people who are low in extraversion. They tend to be quiet, reserved and less involved in social situations. It is important to note that introversion and shyness are not the same thing. People low in extraversion are not afraid of social situations, they simply prefer to spend more time alone and do not need as much social stimulation.
Basically, extraverts are party lovers with their motto ‘lets liven things up’.
2) Agreeableness
A person who is agreeable generally has positive social interactions, is pleasant to be around, works to help others, and cooperates well in group situations. He also tends to show affection readily and often. In other words, an agreeable individual is highly prosocial.
A person who is low in agreeableness shows the opposite behaviors, including being difficult and demanding in groups, being untrusting of others' intentions and lacking in social skills. Most people fall somewhere between the two extremes.
Disagreeable individuals are usually aggressive and get involved into social conflicts. On the other hand, agreeable individuals stick to the motto “let’s all get along”.
3) Conscientiousness
Someone who is high in conscientiousness tends to be on time or early for appointments, is highly responsible and works toward long-term goals with little or no supervision.
A person who is low in conscientiousness may not come through on obligations, tends to complete assignments hastily or not at all and often makes impulsive decisions. There is, of course, a range of behaviors between these two extremes.
Conscientious individuals are usually industrious, display more passion and preseverance in long term goals whereas less conscientious individuals tend to procrastinate with their motto “ never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after tomorrow”.
4) Neuroticism
An enduring tendency to experience negative emotional states, such as anxiety, anger, guilt and depression.
Those who score high on neuroticism scales are more likely than average to respond poorly to stress and to interpret situations as threatening or hopelessly difficult.
High scorers on neuroticism tend to have frequent suicidal ideation.
They also engage in self-handicapping which is the tendency to create obstacles to successful achievement in performance or competitive situations in order to protect one’s self-esteem.
5) Openness
On the other hand, a person who is low in openness to experience tends to enjoy following routines, likes predictability and structure and tends not to engage his imagination on a regular basis. His beliefs typically match the status quo and his choices in occupation, apparel and other purchases tend to go along with the mainstream standards.
so, basically that explains all the five dimensions under Big Five theory. here i would like to share to you a video that I and my group members did together for a presentation regarding this that you can understand what is this Big 5 theory is all hope its helpful enough..
so till we meet again in my next post,..see yah.. :D