Wednesday 24 September 2014

The SELFIE Craze...

(PART 2).. :D

Hellooooooo...well glad to be back again on this interesting topic...SELFIE!!!!! yah as i had mentioned in my previous post, selfie could lead to narcissism. However, that is not the only bad effects of being constantly addicted to selfies. There are several other issues to be considered too. Okay, lets get down to this. In my personal opinion, there are both good and bad effects in constant selfie-ing.. Lets have a look at the negative effects first. Okay firstly I would say that constant selfie-ing consumes your precious time. It's true right!!! I mean I'm sure you would not be immediately satisfied with the single selfie that you took..I'm pretty sure you will be tempted to take selfies until you obtain your best shot. So that thought itself makes you to take tons and tons of selfies until you don't even realize how much time have passed..I remember reading this somewhere saying that "Behind every successful selfie, there are 99 failed and deleted shots"'s kinda true right. Aiming for the perfect pose and shot, we sometimes get to involved in it that we even forget what's happening around us and how the time flies..Aside of wasting time on aiming for the perfect selfie, many also tend to waste time to edit the selfie to get an extra perfect look!!! And that takes like almost forever!!!Endless snap, edit..dissatisfied..delete..snap again...edit again...and this keeps on going on and on until finally we are really satisfied with it.. (which happens after a long period of time though :P)..

 Besides that, I would also say that constant selfie-ing affects your quality time spent with your family and friends as well. Let's say you are having a family gathering or a day out with your friends after a long time. Of course it is a great occasion and a part of memories in your life. You would be excited to store up those memories and cherish those moments spent together by taking selfies, so that you can walk down the memory lane in the future. But what really happens is that, you get too engrossed in it and start selfie-ing instead of spending your time with your family and friends.

 There is no use in storing up memories to be looked at in the future when you actually don't even enjoy yourself at that point of time. These behavior could also bring discomfort to your family and friends. They might have agreed to join you for a dinner or meet up with the idea of catching up with latest news, sharing some stories and have a good laugh at some jokes. However, your endless selfie-ing behavior probably will create a situation where there is less talk but more on hands on gadgets. I'm sure no one would like to have that kind of situation in a meet up. Then don't be surprised if next time you call your friend out, he or she turns down your offer!

Okay, now as for the positive side of selfie-ing...hmm..basically I think the good thing of selfie-ing is that you don't have the need to bother others to snap a picture of yours.

I mean yah who needs others help to snap your picture when you think you are looking on your best when you can do it on yourself. Anytime, anywhere..'click,click'..there we go,,the best shot of yours on your own.. :D

Other than, selfie-ing also boosts your self confidence..You tend to take the extra effort to be presentable each time when you take a selfie. So that definitely boosts your confidence level on your self image.

Lastly. I would say that selfie-ing is not a bad thing actually but it all depends on how regular are you doing it. There are limits for everything. Once you go beyond the limits, some good things can turn up to be too bad. The same goes with this selfie-ing thing. If you are still in your limits, then you are safe. But once you go off the limits, you will definitely pay the price for it. So, take selfies, enjoy yourself...but be in limits!!! I'm sure you can enjoy your life meaningfully then!!!!

That's all for now..see yah soon... :P

Monday 22 September 2014

The SELFIE Craze...

(part 1) :D

As what we are all aware of, nowadays taking selfies have gotten into a totally different level. I read through some articles about this selfie craze and I found out that, wow selfie is a part of narcissistic behavior. Last semester I was taking my adolescent psychology class and as a part of the assignments, my lecturer assigned us with the task to find out about how does selfie leads to narcissism. So here we go. I would like to share something that I found out.

Ok..before that let me explain what is actually meant by narcissism. Narcissism is a term used to describe the excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance. Whereas narcissistic refers to a person having or showing an excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance. Basically, narcissism is considered as the basic level or the less extreme level of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is said to be a pattern of self centered and egoistical behavior that shows up in many different situation and activities through one's thinking and behavior. A person diagnosed with this disorder is said to be extremely self-centered, lacks empathy on others, shows up arrogant behaviors and needs constant attention and admiration from others. However, this does not mean that whoever that shows up with this characteristics are suffering from this disorder. There are some scales to determine whether the person is really suffering from this disorder or they have the risks to end up with this disorder sooner or later. These are totally in the hands of experts on how to diagnose the patients and to confirm the possibilities of them suffering from this disorder.  For more details on this Narcissistic Personality Disorder, you can refer to these links :

Thursday 18 September 2014


Hello everyone!!! so yah..first of all welcome to my page... As a start i would like to make some intro..  Well, i am not really someone who is really into this blogging thing.. In fact i never had an idea to start a blog and write things into it..  Actually i had tried once ( during my high school days).. I was forced into opening a blog page for my computer class last time.. But guess what, since i am not even the least interested in it, i left it just like that.. not even a single post in it..hahaha.. But now i would dare to say that something had actually made me to change my mind.. Now i can feel a light interest on blogging developing within me. Well, there is no harm in giving it a try right!!! So i decided to take this course called " Blog and Webpage Development" as one of my elective subjects in my lovely university, University Pendidikan Sultan Idris. And yup that is the reason why i am blogging right now ( well, it's a part of the assignment actually..). So, that's all i guess as an intro..For more details about me you can check into my profile details.. :) Finally, as i had mentioned earlier i am a beginner and this is a part of my task for the new course that i have taken this semester but that won't stop me from sharing my thoughts and opinions. I would really love to make this as my platform to share out some good info and what-so-ever that is running inside my mind. Hopefully, you would have a great time reading through it.. so see yah in my next upcoming posts.. have a great day ahead!!! ;P