Thursday 2 October 2014

The "Good Presenter"...

(PART 1) :p

hello, everyone...well I'm back with a new topic today. How to be a good presenter? Well, I noticed that most of the students are actually having some difficulties in delivering a good presentation in the class. They appear to be too nervous and sometimes look unprepared. In fact, they even get too shocked when it's their turn for presentation. These affects their presentation style badly. A good presentation is necessary to deliver the right information to the crowd. Therefore students must master some of the presentation techniques so that they can improve their presentation skills and work on their presentation better. So today I would like to share some of the tips on how to be a good presenter and what you can do to tone down your nervousness. Okay, then let's get started!!!!

Firstly, make sure you are well versed with your topic. Once you decide on a topic to do a presentation on, make sure you do enough research on that particular topic. Do not assume or try to come with your own facts because you must make sure you deliver the right information to the crowd. There are possibilities that any of your audience who might know very well about that topic. So if you give out the wrong information, then the audience might lose their trust on you. So remember say only the right thing. If you are not sure about it, then don't talk about it. Therefore it is important for you to know your topic well. In fact, when you are well versed with your topic, you will feel more confident since all the information is on your fingertips. Try to think of the possible questions that your audience might ask you and prepare for it. This way you will feel you are well prepared.

Secondly, don't memorize your text. make sure you are organized enough by doing cue cards. jot down only important points to be mentioned on your cue card, Remember cue cards acts as cues to remind you of any important points in case you forgot. It is not a card for you to write down your whole text. If you do that, you have the chances to get stuck in the middle of your presentation. besides that, make sure you cue card is not too big to be noticed by others. it should be small enough that it can fit in your palm without being noticed by others. in fact, when you are holding a big piece of paper during a presentation, it not only hinders your movement but it also distracts you by tempting you to refer to it often. when this happens, you will appear to be unprepared and lacking of self-confidence.

Thirdly, know your audience well. before going for a presentation, make sure you know who are your target group. get to know them so that you can adapt easily during the presentation. make sure you make eye contact with your crowd. This way you can create a bonding with them. most of us don't do this. we tend to avoid eye contact with our audience since we feel it makes us moire nervous. but actually it is the only way to make you feel more comfortable.don't believe it??? then give it a try. 
making eye contact with your audience make you feel more closer to them. this can make you feel comfortable and confident since you know you audience well. in fact, this would make your audience to stay connected with you as well.

okay, so that's it for now. I'll continue with the next tips to be a good presenter soon!!! work on these three first!!! :D 

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