Friday 17 October 2014

THE 'Good Presenter'... (Part 2) :

hellooo..everyone!!! well, sorry to keep you waiting for quite a long time for the part 2 of the 'Good Presenter'.. I had been quite busy with my loads of assignments and stuffs for these past few weeks..fuhhh..finally it's all over for here i am again to share with u with more tips on how to become a good presenter....Here u go!!!!
Since I have shared three tips on my previous post on how to become a good presenter, now I'll continue with the fourth one. The fourth tip is to stay calm all the time. you have to make sure you are calm enough before, during and also after presentation. Don't stress yourself a lot because it can affect the way u do your presentation. When you are too stressed out or nervous, you will tend to stammer and you might forget your important points to be delivered. These can also make u go blank in the middle of your presentation. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if u suddenly go blank and have to stop your presentation abruptly!!! OMG,..that's too awful.. Therefore, you must try to conceal your nervousness and keep it in control. Of course, everyone do feel that little tingle of nervousness during giving a speech or doing a presentation. But for some they can easily get nervous to extreme levels. You should always bear in mind that no one can actually realize how u feel deep inside when you are doing a presentation. they wouldn't know whether you are nervous or not. you are emotions are not leaked out. It all depends on how you carry yourself in front of others. You should be able to tackle your feelings and put on a confident image in front of others. When you are able to do that, your audience wouldn't know that you are too nervous deep inside and these can make them to pay attention to what you are trying to say. There are few techniques that you can do to control your nervousness such as doing breathing in and out a few times and listening to calm musics before presentation, Once you are able to control your nervousness, trust me, you will rock your presentation!!! :)

Moving to the next tips, being presentable is one of the criteria of being a good presenter. Always bear in mind first impression is the best impression. therefore, make sure that you look presentable during your presentation. Wear nice formal outfit that you are comfortable with and which can make you look extra confident. Looking presentable doesn't mean you should overdo it, in sense of wearing thick make up and heavy accessories.Please avoid doing so!!!! Wear a simple and formal looking attire because that shows your level of professionalism. when you are looking presentable enough, your audience would be automatically attracted to you and they would start listening to your presentation. 

Last but not least, make sure you speak clearly. Don't mumble!!! Try to speak as loud as you can and make sure your speech is delivered as clear as possible. When you talk loudly, your 
voice have the power of captivating your audiences' attention. they would not fall asleep or get bored, because your voice is loud enough to keep them stay alert. besides that, intonation is also important during presentation. Don't ever read your text or slide!!! make sure there are some ups and downs in your voice intonation. that way your audience can understand more easily what you are trying to say and they won't get bored either. Remember your voice is the most powerful tool in delivering a presentation. no matter how prepared you are, but if you are not able to deliver your thoughts in a clear manner, then your presentation is considered a failure..
so, do some practices beforehand. Besides verbal language, non verbal language or a.k.a body language also plays an important part in being a good presenter. every time you are presenting in front, make sure you stand tall and straight with confidence. Don't Slouch!!! keep your hand movements in limit and don't  fiddle with your fingers because that shows you are nervous. But that doesn't mean you have to stand still as a statue. do move around but not frequently..keep it in a limit. To get your body language and verbal language right during your presentation, try practicing it out loud in front of the mirror. This way, you can correct your mistakes and make some improvements on it..

So, that's all from me..bear it in mind that anyone can actually turn out to be a good presenter. however, it all depends on how much effort do you take to be one. the more you practice, the more you will make improvements, and the more you will gain confidence out of, good luck everyone..hope those tips i shared will be helpful for u... Come on.. u can do this!!! :D

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